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Ghost Canyon

Henry Jaglom (Director - 'Going Shopping') Henry Jaglom (Director - 'Going Shopping')

'All You Ever Needed To Know About Why Women Shop ... And So Much More!'

In 'Going Shopping,' Holly G. (Victoria Foyt) is a successful clothing designer with her own boutique who, in the course of a tumultuous Mother's Day weekend, is confronted with deceit, elation, desperation, kleptomania, rebellion, addiction and passion while under pressure to pull off the biggest sale of the year.

Director/Writer Henry Jaglom's new movie looks at the unique role that clothing and shopping plays in the lives of women. A sister film to his earlier "EATING," it co-stars Lee Grant, Rob Morrow, Bruce Davison, Mae Whitman and Jennifer Grant.

I found this documentary-styled film a true breath of fresh air, but was a little concerned near the end that the ever-changing sub-plot had started to overpower the premise of what you had originally set out to achieve. Did the business sub-plot indeed start to take on a life of its own and if so, at what point did you realize this and actively attempt to calm it down? Henry Jaglom - "Sorry that the subplot "started to over power the premise of what I originally set out to achieve." No, the subplot didn't "start to take on a life of it's own" and I didn't have to "calm it down." This was a film, an entertainment, that also tried to tell the truth about it's subject. It did precisely what I wanted it to do which was to mix entertainment (i.e., the various subplots) and the essential emotional truth of the subject at hand."

And with regard this ongoing sub-plot, it felt like - especially towards the end - that you were starting to have too much dark fun with it! The loan shark, the woman not being able to aid her friend in business ... huge pivotal plot points and yet ones that both came at her/us like gangbusters! From what you've known and seen in life, were these two scenarios as true to life as could really happen to someone such as Holly G.? "I don't know if these things could have really happened to someone such as Holly G. They happened in my movie because I wrote them to happen."

Fully understanding that your films depict pertinent issues that contemporary women face day to day, I was still a little taken aback that there were no pop-up shopping stories from men! Surely our shopping stories are sometimes insightful, delightful, interesting... no? "Sorry there were no stories about men and shopping, but the issue was women and shopping and how our society places women in a position of unique vulnerability to that activity."

Knowing that actress Victoria Foyt helped you write this wonderful movie, I was wondering what elements of what you wanted remained in the movie ... and vice-versa? "All the elements that I and Victoria Foyt wrote, we wrote together, so what remained in the movie, since I edited it, was exactly what I wanted to remain in it."

"I didn't say that quote about the movie being one that only I could have made, nor do I consider it a "grand statement," merely a perception that I make films in a certain kind of way that is different from how other people make films."

You've stated yourself many times that you've always been concerned/interested in women's subjects and lives, and that they have seemingly never been accurately represented on screen. That's a huge statement for sure, but have there truly not been any films made where the female's performance/role/character/aura was indeed at its most cinematic finest? "I never said that women have "never been accurately represented on screen". Going all the way back to "The Women", women have often been accurately represented. What I have said is that in the contemporary movie world, women in most films from major studios are aimed at adolescent boys or adults with an adolescent boy mentality. I try to make films which portray women and men as accurately as I know how."

Why did this film take three and a half years from first day of filming to the last day of editing to come to the fore? Should it have taken that long or were there speed bumps along the way, perhaps? "The film took 3 1/2 years to edit precisely because that is the way I work: I write a film, then I film it, then comes the process of putting it all together and having scores of interviews, each of which goes on for more than a half hour. It takes quite a bit of time to whittle it all down, get the right balance between narrative and interviews, and tell the story the way I want to. I believe I "write" the film in my editing room and like a painter or a musician, I take as long as it takes to shape the final work into what I want it to be. I don't know what a "speed bump" would be in relation to this, but the creative process is always full of unexpected "bumps."

How many of the women were actual actresses and how many were interested passers-by that caught your eye? And, as some were featured more prominently within the story line of the film, how did you pick and choose who they would be from the procession of pop-up shopping stories? "None of the women were "passers–by" that "caught my eye." They were actresses, writers, business women, housewives, and other people of my acquaintance who I thought gave interesting and varied slants to the issue at hand."

Please tell us about your upcoming movie, 'Hollywood Dreams' and when we can expect it? "'Hollywood Dreams' is a film about the desperate search for fame that sends so many young people away from their small towns all across the country and into Hollywood or Manhattan seeking that fame and willing to go to extraordinary lengths to achieve it. It will be coming out in theaters in May and I hope you will enjoy it."

"It stars an extraordinary young actress, Tanna Frederick, in her screen debut and I will be filming a sequel to it later this year, also starring Tanna Frederick, about a young woman who achieves that fame and then returns to her hometown for the premiere of her film. Editing permitted it will be seen the following year. I also have a film in the can that I shot some months ago, called Irene in Time, that also stars Ms. Frederick and that is about the relationship of women and their fathers and how that relationship effects the choices they make of men in their lives."

Finally, Exclusive Magazine love Penguins ... do you? "I am glad that Exclusive Magazine loves penguins - I am fond of them myself."

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