Title - 'The Lost Crowes - The Tall Sessions' (American)
Artist - The Black Crowes
Wow, what a treat for Crowes fans! Captured at their creative peak, these two albums (in one) are true gems. Amorica happens to be one of my top ten favorite albums of all time and "Tall" offers a blueprint into that great release. While Amorica is more polished and textured, "Tall" is by no means a weaker treatment. These classic songs are more intimate on this release and offer the listener a great midnight second helping of that great album. "Band" is just plain and simple a smokin' old, new release. Why this sat on the shelf for ten years is beyond me. While it is very hard to single out favorites, the first two selections, "Paint an 8" and "Another Roadside Tragedy" are particularly great. Strange codes where a song list should be on the disc though! Weird! A minor issue as this is great American rock n' roll from a group of really talented musicians in their prime. What else could a fan want? If they teach you something in the process, then all the better; but really, the Black Crowes are just here to entertain, and by God they do one hell of a job of it. This is the next best thing to a new Crowes album! Highly recommended.