Title - 'Paint It Black' (EMI)
Artist - Various
'Paint It Black' is a compilation of some of the worlds best known singers and their interpretations of Rolling Stones tracks. Including David Bowie's 'Let's Spend the Night Together', Rod Stewart's 'Street Fighting Man', The Ramones version of 'Out of Time' and Ike and Tina Turner's 'Honky Tonk Women' to name but a few. With the title name culled from the bands 1966 classic - which to my mind and en mass of the general public was one of the Stones' finest works of musical art - this once import-only compilation from EMI not only brings you the big names (as listed above), but a few - perhaps - unfamiliar voices behind these Rolling Stones covers. I mean, The Flying Pickets ('Get Off Of My Cloud') anyone? At any rate, this is a collection (re: compilation) that you will find - like a rolling stone - hard to stop listening to over and over and over again!