Title - 'Be Kind, Rewind' (Lakeshore Records)
Artist - Various
Hollywood insiders say that 'Be Kind Rewind' is probably going to be the comedy hit of 2008, and might be considered among the funniest films of the decade! I don't see it myself, but this soundtrack that accompanies it is lush beyond all lushness! Indeed, the two stars of the movie - Jack Black and Mos Def - are both musicians and have contributed to it too. Yet looking at the dynamics of such an entity you have Black- who is an actor turned rock star in Tenacious D - while Mos Def is a rap artist rocker turned actor. So, who will get the soundtrack?
Well, anyone who loves classic tunes is in for a treat regardless. The album features Fats Waller cuts performed by the film's star Mos Def, writer/director Michel Gondry and composer Jean-Michel Bernard, plus classic tracks by Booker T and the MGs, Fats Waller, Billy Preston, original music by Bernard, and that performance by Jack Black.
Indeed, because Waller plays a major part in the storyline, his songs are featured prominently on the soundtrack. Mos Def's renditions include 'Your Feets Too Big', 'Ain't Misbehavin'' and 'I Ain't Got Nobody'. Whereas director Michel Gondry's include stints with Booker T. Jones, Steve Cropper, and Donald 'Duck' Dunn.