Title - 'One and All’ (EP)
Artist - The Shams
San Francisco based band The Shams have just released their highly-impressive, tell it like it musically is EP, One and All - and boy, is it GOOD! The multifaceted, Irish-influenced rock band, who write all their own original material, and have producer John Cesario (Fleetwood Mac, Eddie Money) and engineer Chris Cortez behind them at all mixing times, may well be overly influenced by their Irish culture, but that only allows them to serve up some raw, eclectic songs for their devoted fans.
The quintet - Joey Kennedy, Sean Daly, James Scragg, and both Americans Tommy O’Mahony and Henry Moser - formed in 2011 and quickly hit the touring circuit - creating a musical firestorm behind them wherever they played. Their repertoire of hard rocking original, punk-up and raw songs are narrated by the powerful vocals of Daly, but it’s the rebel roots, their boots on the floor of being grounded in their profession that has allowed them to strike the right chord with the record label marketing onlookers around them.