Title - ‘Ether Song’ (Astralwerks)
Artist - Turin Brakes
Turin Brakes second album fulfills the expectations that only some of their songs on their first album, The Optimist, were able to engender in me. I found their first effort, while salted with some extremely catchy, strong songs, to be a little on the meandering side. Their second release is a complete delight and I highly recommend their first album as well. If a band like Coldplay are too ‘popular’ now for you to feel comfortable liking, then Turin Brakes is a good band to focus your attention on. However, if your brain is big enough to handle liking things regardless of their level of popularity, do yourself a favor and buy both Turin Brakes' Ether Song and Coldplay's Rush of Blood to the Head, and settle back for a couple hours of great listening.
James Dudley