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Book Reviews
'African: A Children's Picture Book'
By: Peter Tosh & Rachel Moss - Lyric Pop/Akashic Books, $15.29

Description: 'African: A Children's Picture Book' is a beautiful children's picture book featuring the lyrics of Peter Tosh's global classic celebrating children of African descent.

Verdict: Targeted at an age range of 5-7 year-old's and running at a lush 32 pages, these magnificent, colorful, vibrantly illustrated and harmoniously told (through Pete Tosh lyrics) stories are presented in 8.5"x8.5" glossy hardback books.

Featuring lyrics from songs that you would normally only ever hear on the radio, or coming out of the speakers of a record player (or, these days, computer, iPhone, etc.), each song (within the series) is a pocket of storytelling that spring forth to enlighten the mind or embrace the heart.

Here within 'African: A Children's Picture Book,' which the 'African' lyrics were originally released in 1977 on Tosh's second solo record, Equal Rights, and which was written during a time of civil unrest in Jamaica as a reminder to all black people that they were part of the same community, we not only get abundant views on cultural heritage, but welcome into our minds, hearts and souls new ideas and thoughts about the world and the people who live within it - no matter what your age.

No matter the color of your skin, Moss has explained that if you have the black man’s DNA running through your blood, you are an African.

Indeed, she grew up with this reality in Jamaica, a country mixed with so many different cultures and races that their national motto became, “Out of Many One People.”

Using the lyrics of the man, Peter Tosh (one of the founding members of the iconic reggae group the Wailers), who called for change during his lifetime, embodied within these pertinent lyrics is a voice of uprising and awareness; one that, especially today, still shouts loud and proud to be heard.

Furthermore, Tosh's lyrics and perhaps now more than ever, have such a powerful message for not only Black kids, but children from all races.

Ergo, Moss hopes that if parents read 'African' to their young children, the song lyrics spark conversation about not fearing difference.

For difference is what makes the human race beautiful.

About the Author - Peter Tosh was one of the founding members of the iconic reggae group the Wailers.

'African' is a key song from the classic 1970s era of reggae.

Rachel Moss (illustrator) is a graphic designer in love with the bright colors and vibrant energy of the Caribbean.

She was born in Jamaica and studied animation in England at the University for the Creative Arts.

Moss now lives in Jamaica where she spends her days illustrating children’s books such as I Am a Promise by Shelly Ann Fraser Pryce, Abigail’s Glorious Hair, and Milo & Myra Learn Manners with Mr. Mongoose.

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