Title - 'Underage Thinking [SPECIAL EDITION]'
Artist - Teddy Geiger
A lot of people are saying that this debut album of Teddy's is hands down the best album of the year. While I don't know about that - although it is by far one of the best of the year thus far - I can say that caught live this guy siunds even crisper, cleaner, wiser than most artists out there double his age plus these days. This re-released/re-packaged special edition debut CD/DVD contains a few more interesting sides to the next-big-thing, including two remixes and five demos. But it's the DVD that will have the fans re-spending their money. There's a "For You I Will (Confidence)" music video, a small featurette on The Making Of "For You I Will (Confidence)," a "For You I Will (Confidence)" live music video, a "These Walls" music video, another small featurette on The Making Of "These Walls" music video, and A Day In The Life: Teddy Geiger Home Videos Photo Scrapbook! Don't listen to those people who say he's the next John Mayer. He's better than that. Buy this CD/DVD and find out for yourself!