Title - 'Hell Hath No Fury' (Zomba)
Artist - Clipse
Unless you've been living under a rock, you've undoubtedly heard the story of Clipse and their long battle to bring their sophomore album Hell Hath No Fury to their fanbase. Record label drama kept the group held down but they used the mix tape circuit to keep their music out there and were never forgotten by their loyal fan base. Of course, everyone wants to know does Hell Hath No Fury live up to the hype and was it worth the very long wait? The album opens with the intro "We Got It For Cheap," which is decent as far as intros are concerned. The entire album was produced by The Neptunes. The production duo provides Clipse with some of their most unique and futuristic sounding beats. It may take some people a minute to get used to these beats, and honestly some people may be turned off by some of the tracks like the song "Mama I'm Sorry," features a horn or an accordion song in the background for the entire track. Although, I wanted to listen to the lyrics and like this song I found that sound in the background a bit annoying. Overall though, fans of Clipse should be pleased with this album. They certainly didn't sell out to popular beats and pack their album full of R&B divas or guest appearances by popular rappers.