Title - 'Doomsday' (Lakeshore Records)
Artist - Various
Yet another crackin' soundtrack release from Lakeshore Records, 'Doomsday' kicks starts the show with true blast from the '80s past to get yer all pumped up and ready for some zombie-fightin' action! Adam and his band of merry ol' Ant themselves are called early to the fore with the boombastic 'Dog Eat Dog,' before Frankie Goes To Hollywood' burst upon the scene with the Carnage Mix of their political smash 'Two Tribes.'
Sure 'Doomsday' (the film) may not be a high-profile picture for this Spring, but score producer Tyler Bates puts his pulsating signature orchestral/electronic stamp of approval on the project nonetheless.
More adrenaline-laced pieces like “Same Shit Different Era” and “Headless Love” provide the type of thrilling beats and nervy strings that listeners expect in this type of score, while earlier tracks like “Prologue” and “Exodus” hint at a sense of impending doom without overly hammering it home. “Hospital Battle” starts out like a commercial rock song before leading into more orchestral sounding and there are even hints of epic flourishes in the climactic ”Finish Her Off!”
The score's final tune ”The Can Can” by Ariel Rechstshaid is a little unusual - and at only @ 41 seconds long can also be argued as pointless - but in the end the entire album manages to blend intensity, triumph, and despair while still maintaining a pleasantly melodic feel. Just the ticket, some might say!