Title - 'Appaloosa' (Lakeshore Records)
Artist - Jeff Beal
'Appaloosa' is a small story built in classic, western fashion, yet somehow within its details, remains somewhat fresh. And that is all down to Jeff Beal’s spot on score for this new Ed Harris western.
Encopassing musical grittiness and tumbleweed rattles, not to mention a fairly boot-stomping mix of somewhat tingling epic proportions, 'Appaloosa' encompasses themes from classic; yet all-too distant western memories each and evry track.
The opening track (“Appaloosa Main Theme”) appears throughout the rest of the album; usually via brief interludes, but for the most part the tracks are short and rest comfortably between just one or three minutes each.
As for the finale of the CD, well, those two last tracks are not score pieces, but individual songs - one sung by Ed Harris himself and one by singer/songwriter Donald Rubinstein.