Title - 'The Lovers, The Dreamers and Me' (Concord)
Artist - Jane Monheit
'The Lovers, The Dreamers and Me' is yet another wonderful CD by Jane Monheit. Jane sings beautifully throughout this album; and I like the choice of songs, too. The artwork is classy and the quality of the sound is excellent. This is definitely a CD for Jane's fans to enjoy! She pays a fine tribute to the songwriters who clearly influenced her greatly.
The CD starts with Jane singing "Like a Star" by Corrine Bailey Rae with all her heart and soul. The melody is very pretty; and Jane handles the tempo and key modulations like the pro she always is. "Like A Star" makes a fine starting number for this album There's also the June Christy classic pop vocal number entitled "Something Cool;" this type of romantic ballad features Jane squarely front and center--right where she belongs! I also really like "Slow Like Honey;" I'm sure Fiona would be proud! "Slow Like Honey" enchants me with a certain type of beauty that I rarely hear or enjoy; and I'm very impressed.
"This Girl's in Love with You" gets a very sensitive treatment that would make Burt Bacharach so happy; Jane Monheit performs this with panache and her excellent diction bolsters her performance all the more. The music that goes along with Jane Monheit on "This Girl's in Love with You" fits in perfectly with her vocals; and that's grand. "Get Out Of Town" sounds great with that percussion; Jane gives blood to make this quite a memorable tune.
Listen also for "I Do It For Your Love;" Jane Monheit handles this very sweetly and we next get a beautiful song called "I Ain't Gonna Let You Break My Heart." "I Ain't Gonna Let You Break My Heart" has Jane singing closer to the top of her vocal range and it is delightful to hear. "Lucky to Be Me" gets the royal treatment as Jane and the musicians take their time to make this ballad so very special-and I especially like that fine arrangement for the piano. (MGS)