Title - 'Mortdecai' (La-La Land Records)
Artist - Geoff Zanelli & Mark Ronson
In what has, sadly, already been labelled a monster dog of an actual cinematic experience (to which some have already added that is now signifies the death of Johnny Depp's acting career!), the actual soundtrack score is beyond incredible. True it couldn't be much worse than the film, but that said, the soundtrack score to 'Mortdecai' from both Geoff Zanelli & Mark Ronson is a delightful romp, for sure.
Emmy-Award winning composer Geoff Zanetti and Grammy-award winning producer-musician Mark Ronson (whose own brand new pop album, featuring that uber catchy "Motownesque" single from Bruno Mars, 'Uptown Funk' is already one of the Top 10 albums of the year) combine here to compose a pitch perfect score (and songs) to this so-called "action comedy".
I won't waste my time describing the film this time (you can thank me later), but the fact is as already bombed is a sad, sad reflection on Depp, and his co-stars such as Gwyneth Paltrow, Ewan McGregor, Olivia Munn and Jeff Goldblum!
All that said, 'Mortdecai' as a score is terrific and most certainly provides us a highly rich musical experience; one that marries the charm of zest of 60's pop with sharp, contemporary sensibilities. Big words, I know, so let's just say that the connection of these two composing entities brings us one very accomplished soundtrack; one that will live on way longer than the memory of the actual film!