Title - 'Legacy, Volume Two'
Artist - Celtic Thunder
Celtic Thunder's brand new album, Legacy, Volume Two is the musical and visual companion to, of course, Volume One and is, for all intents and purposes, as good - if not better.
The renowned Irish theatrical singing ensemble wrap each and every song of theirs up here in their usual blend of world-renowned Celtic Thunder signature big production sounds, and the end result is yet another volume of intense, fun, music for a lifetime.
This brand new album features many of the best-loved numbers from the group's nine standing-room-only world tours to-date. Those dates also saw Celtic Thunder reunited with guest artist Damian McGinty, an original member of Celtic Thunder. The DVD portion of this CD/DVD release is where that moment becomes truly emotional for everyone.
Featuring 16 tracks, Legacy, Volume Two - from, funnily enough, Legacy Recordings - is an album of music that if you love Celtic Thunder you will love this album, no matter what. Indeed, I saw the show on PBS, so I knew what to expect, but the main thing to know is that the group has really gone back to its Irish roots here.
Of course, we all miss Paul Byrom from the original group, and it is so sad to have lost George to a heart attack last year, but as mentioned, Damian returned for this show so that was a nice surprise. All of the individual artists are amazing, whether alone and together. For me, well, it was impossible to choose a favorite song, as they are all wonderful. I hope you have the same problem.