Title - ‘The Raven’ (Reprise)
Artist - Lou Reed
The Raven is a very interesting album and yet it probably won't make it into anyone's heavy rotation list, for obvious reasons! If you like Lou's music, then get the single-disc version of The Raven. However, if you want to dig in to Lou's interpretations and re-workings of some of Poe's greatest works, then invest in the limited edition 2-CD set. Either way, I think this album will further enhance Mr. Reed's reputation and critical standing, but I don't believe this somewhat pretentious and stiff album will receive much air time and will gather dust on many a shelf. With that said, the album is of interest to die-hard Lou Reed fans and collectors. If you fit in this category, it is certainly worthwhile to own one (or both) version(s). The guest appearances of David Bowie, Willem Dafoe, Ornette Coleman, Laurie Anderson and others definitely increase the "curiosity factor" of this album also!
James Dudley