Title - ‘Life On Other Planets’ (Island)
Artist - Supergrass
I can't believe Supergrass isn't more popular than they are. For a while, I wondered if this album would be released in the U.S. Well, it's here and it's fantastic! Like their debut, I Should Coco, this CD is an eclectic mix of punk (’Never Done Nothing Like That Before’), pop (’Grace’), 70's rock (’Seen the Light’), and other genres. It works beautifully. However, I must warn you that if you hate keyboards, you might not like it. I say "might not" because the keyboards are not distracting, nor do they play center stage. But they are used to make a variety of sounds and capture the feel of old 70's tunes. For example, I could almost swear I am listening to ELO when I hear ’Prophet 15’. Like the last CD, there's a lot of hand-clapping and extraneous sounds, but it's still true Supergrass. This is the type of music I wish I would hear on the radio more. Maybe someday I will, but if so, Supergrass will be the #1 band in America!
Mike Powell