Title - 'Rory Gallagher - Irish Tour 74'
Artist - Rory Gallagher
In the late 60's and early 70's, rock was ruled by the guitar gods. Clapton with his smooth licks and easy control. Hendrix with his brash individual style. And Page with his ever adventurous spirit. I had the privilege to see them all. Clapton in a tasty but rare appearance with Derek and the Dominoes. Hendrix in two inconsistent sets that flashed brilliance and boredom. And Page in an arena-sized homage to self indulgence.
Then there was Rory. Eschewing the wall of amplifiers and the "wish-to-kill sound", Gallagher stripped his set to the bare minimum. Small amps, small drum set, and a beat-up old Stratocaster. While the guitar gods brought their large amp banks and egos to match, Gallagher brought his "nice-guy" persona and determined work ethic. Always the gentleman, always the humble showman, Gallagher always put the audience first. And he always delivered a great show!
Clapton had his taste. Hendrix had his sexuality. Page had his trips to tonal nirvana. But nobody, NOBODY, could boogie like Rory! In the 70's, I saw Rory four or five times. Every time I left the concert with a big smile on my face.
IRISH TOUR `74 is proof positive of Rory's talents as a guitarist and a showman. The album displays Rory's "let's have a party" spirit with a band as tight as you'll ever hear. From Cradle Rock to Walk on Hot Coals, Rory will have you up and dancing around the room from the first note. Because it has some of the best blues-boogie music from the era, IRISH TOUR `74 is one of the best live albums of the 70's.
Of particular note, to me is Hot Coals. While it is generally hard to listen to one track which is more than 11 minutes long,you will find yourself replaying this one. In the past,some critics have made the statement that Rory Gallagher is as good a guitar player as Clapton, Page,etc. I think they are wrong. Clapton and Page were almost as good as Rory Gallagher!
Give this particular CD a listen and I know you will agree. We STILL miss you, Rory.