Title - 'Wendy And Lisa - Special Edition'
Artist - Wendy And Lisa
Wendy & Lisa (briefly known as Girl Bros.) were a musical duo consisting of Wendy Melvoin and Lisa Coleman. They began working with Prince in the early 1980s and were part of his band The Revolution, before branching out on their own and releasing their debut album in 1987.
Indeed, in recent years they have turned their attention to writing music for film and television and have even won an Emmy Award! And so this, their self-titled debut brought us the duo at their most creatively daring; fun even. Combining chart pop with Minneapolis funk, New York jazz fusion and acoustic balladry, the album (written and produced by Wendy & Lisa with Bobby Z) has since become a go-to for all their music enthusiasts.
Included on this Special Edition CD of that very same album are 15 remastered tracks. And we kick off with the original album tracklisting of: 'Honeymoon Express,' 'Sideshow,' 'Waterfall,' 'Stay,' 'White,' 'Blues Away,' 'Song About,' 'Chance To Grow,' and bring that segment to a close with 'The Life,' 'Everything But You' and 'Light.'
However, Cherry Red have managed to russell up some lovely extras in the form of 'Honeymoon Express (12" Version),' 'Sideshow (Extended Version),' 'Waterfall '89 (Alice & Sundial Seven)' and even 'Waterfall (Psychedelic Teepee Twelve).'
And with all Cherry Red CD booklets, it is very comprehensive and features a discography and an exclusive interview and track-by-track review by Lisa Coleman with ex-Attitude editor Adam Mattera.
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