Title - ‘Greatest Hits’ (Hip-O)
Artist - Motley Crue
I have been a long time Crue fan. I was first introduced to them with Dr. Feelgood and later with Shout at the Devil. My CD's were recently stolen out of my car and instead of getting all of the CD's again I decided to start with the “hits”! Or, in this case, ask my Editor if I could review this and then keep it! It covers a wide array of songs from Generation Swine to the earliest albums (Shout at the Devil era). This is a must for any Crue fan because it is easier to have this one hits CD than all the albums in your car, I know I made that mistake! Now I just need to save for the rest of the albums!!!! Unless, they all get Re-Issued and Re-Mastered!!!!
Jim Freeman