Title - 'Misfit Paradise' [EP]
Artist - Evelyn Cools
For those not in the know, folk-rock singer-songwriter, Evelyn Cools, will be releasing her upcoming new, and highly anticipated EP Misfit Paradise on August 14th, 2020.
Inspired by songwriters such as Stevie Nicks, Simon & Garfunkel, Lana Del Rey, and Angus & Julia Stone, Cools is recognized for her powerful lyrics and her storytelling abilities through music.
In collaboration with producer Enrique Lara, Cools took a very DIY approach to the recording of Misfit Paradise. Most of the tracks were recorded in Lara’s living room with blankets covering the walls and doorways for better acoustics.
1. 'Another Night'
2. 'Gold Woman'
3. 'Yosemite'
4. 'Misfit Paradise'
5. 'Soaring'
Opening with the stoically melodic piano work of 'Another Night,' a track that warms up as it melodically progresses, Cools backs that up with the drum and guitar-led rocker 'Gold Woman,' which is followed by the gentle ballad about nature, 'Yosemite.'
The title track has, at first, a hauntingly ethereal lead before building to an orchestrated, swaying, beautiful dollop of windows down, top down, arm leaning summer drive ambiance (and, for me, is a clear stand out here on this EP), and then comes to a close on the beautiful gossamer ballad 'Soaring.'
The nomadic troubadour wrote Misfit Paradise after moving to New York for the first time. “As humans, we are always searching for other people who take us entirely for who we are."
"We look for people who challenge us, inspire us, elevate us, and make us feel like we are part of something beautiful - a tribe of people so different, but also exactly the same,” Cools says.
“Living in New York was what I always wanted, to be in a city made for people of all walks of life. At the same time, my passion for music led me to a community that felt entirely free of judgment and valued human connection above all else."
"All ages, all races, all bodies, all different, all together. This song ['Misfit Parade'] is written for the misfits, searching for a paradise to call our own.”
Official Purchase Links
Evelyn Cools @ Facebook
Evelyn Cools @ Twitter
Evelyn Cools @ Instagram