Title - ‘Lover’s Speak’ (Denon)
Artist - Joan Armatrading
I don't know why Armatrading isn't more of a major success in America - she's simply one of the most prolific and thoughtful lyricists around. Often compared to Joni Mitchell and is Melissa Etheridge's own muse, Armatrading has been making consistently great music for well over 22 years, always taking on the common themes of love, loss, regret, courage and inspiration and has yet to sound redundant or contrived in anything she's written! Armatrading's inviting alto voice lends itself well to many styles: folk, jazz, pop, and simple yet haunting ballads; and she effortlessly uses them all on her latest CD. The disc's title track - "Lovers Speak" - sets the pace with her plea to learn "the language of love" and takes you to a place of belonging that every one of us has experienced. Given the state of the world today, "In These Times" is an inspiring anthem where Armatrading describes a world where "all sanity is lost," but that "we own the world and everything that's in it. Let our love shine like glistening raindrops resting on a rose." So ... what more info do you need? Go out and buy it right now!!
Sarah Hickson