Title - 'Asylum [Explicit Lyrics]' (Reprise)
Artist - Disturbed
Yes, it's true that Donegan has been given much more freedom in inserting solos. Likewise, Mike Wengren is at times able to escape from only using the bass pedal to back the guitar and bass riffs. His foray into drumming (as opposed to just beating the drums Lars Ulrich style) is reminiscent of Donegan trying to break out of his shell on Indestructible: halting and not always demonstrating confidence.
Normally I'd applaud a band for trying to grow. But this album sucks, and (I can't believe I'm saying this) it's Dave Draiman's fault. His lyrics are terrible. It sounds like they were written by a high schooler trying to emulate Draiman, but not being sophisticated enough to do it. So disappointing. I hope they were on a deadline for their record company and that explains such a weak effort.
Also, I really disliked their U2 cover. I have loved all of their previous covers; it takes a special band to take someone else's song, make it their own, and create something better than the original. But this sounds like they were just going through the motions, with no real original flourishes and only slightly changing the scale the chorus is sung at ... sorry! [BS]