Title - ‘Fillmore East: 12/13/68’ (Columbia/Legacy)
Artist - Al Kooper / Mike Bloomfield
I have been waiting for this to be released for over 30 years. Thanks to Al Kooper for helping it see the light of day, as well as being the glue that holds this band together. This should cement Mike's reputation as one of the best blues guitarists of all time. This is similar to Live Adventures of Mike and Al. Even has some of the same tracks, but to Bloomie's credit, his solos are quite a bit different than on that CD. Since it is a relatively unrehearsed jam session, the rhythm section is a bit sloppy. Otherwise, it’s some of the most exciting live guitar blues ever. Guest appearance by Johnny Winter also rocks. If you've ever wondered what Mike's take on ’Season of the Witch’ would sound like, this is your chance. I cannot get enough of ’One Way Out,’ ‘Don't Throw Your Love On Me So Strong,’ and ’Season.’ Now all we need to hear is Stills' take on ’His Holy Modal Majesty.’!!
Reviewed by Max Drake