Title - ‘Sordid Lives’ (Bizarre/Planet Records)
Artist - Buddy Blue
Buddy Blue is one of the most under-appreciated musicians most of the world has never known. This jazz inflected should change that. He plays a mean guitar, too and for an ugly guy, whilst singing real nice lyrics and vocals! The record opens strong with "Upsettin' Me". Call it "jazz" only because of the arrangement (as with many songs on the record), but it's not the jazz you'd get in music appreciation class. It's got slicked back hair and dark glasses on. It's Marlboros in the sleeve cool. All though out you'll find good musicianship, particularly on the 2 or 3 instrumentals. Blue works the Gibson when he should, although some songs could stand to have the 6 string more prominent in the mix. "Jesse's Back in Town" is really just a jazzed-down rockabilly tune. Then follows a diversion of sorts, as Blue for whatever reason seizures into beebop, and expertly reinforces the fact that beebop is music generally devoid of melody! Great stuff!!
Reviewed by Ben Chatfield