Title - 'Time Flies...1994-2009' (2 CD)
Artist - Oasis
In many people's eyes, 'Time Flies' corrects many of the errors of 'Stop The Clocks,' but is it quite definitive? Not exactly, but it's close.
For starters, this improves greatly over 'Stop The Clocks' by including tracks from 'Be Here Now,' and while this doesn't have fine album cuts like "Don't Go Away" or "It's Gettin' Better Man," the inclusion of 'Be Here Now' material is definitely welcome.
Secondly, the inclusion of post-'Morning Glory' staples such as "Stop Crying Your Heart Out," "Lord Don't Slow Me Down," "Who Feels Love," and "The Shock of the Lightning" helps to round out the history of the band, and their presence is also greatly welcome.
That's the good. Unfortunately, 'Time Flies' leans a bit too much on 'Heathen Chemistry,' and that comes at the expense of some truly great tracks. Songs not here include "Rock N' Roll Star," "Slide Away," "Rockin' Chair," "Stay Young," "Fade Away," and all of those would be tremendous additions to these discs. Furthermore, the exclusion of "Acquiesce," one of the band's greatest songs, is an inexcusable omission.
However, this is a much better collection than 'Stop The Clocks,' and a decent introduction to one of Britpop's finest bands ... though it won't replace 'Definitely Maybe' and 'Morning Glory.' [BO]