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Mum & Paul, In what has been a very emotionally up and down week, to cut to the chase, I finally had the bridge remodeled down to just two (2) crowns either side of a gap now - and I also booked my appointment with the Oral Surgeon for September 15th @ 7:30am to have the sinus lift + cadaver bone + tooth shard removal procedure done. This should have all happened four (4) years ago re: the oral Surgeon, but as I was told how expensive it all would be (plus an implant), I chose the less expensive option of the bridge - but having broken the original one, not liked the free replacement and subsequently paid for a superdooper third one to go in (and didn’t like anything to do with that one from the off), I was left with no other choice. Funnily enough, this time around the Oral Surgeon price is cheaper than cheap (I was quoted $2500 before, got it this time for just $886 cash) and the implant is valued at @2800, but I will get it for just $1600 cash! Remarkably the whole thing now is considerably cheaper than it would have been back then, but then again it would all have been done a long time ago and wouldn’t have bothered me all this time today (but it is what it is). So, the new schedule for the dentistry (given that I had all the front four (4) teeth rebonded on the same day as he remodeled the bridge) is the aforementioned Oral Surgeon work on Sept 15th, an implant core for the back lower right tooth Oct 22nd and then nothing until next year (which means I can have it completed anywhere, once this dentist/Oral Surgeon links to the new one re: product part numbers and such). As for the Hypnosis clinic, Nicol is a very lovely, genuinely believing in herself person and so I decided on my drive over to see her for my second session that I wouldn’t tell her she had failed me or that my bridge issue had been complete resolved re: the remodel the day before). I actually was curious, as it was all free, what the next session was all about and so acted as if she was still helping me and that I was eager for the second session - the trouble was that it was using her ____________________ machine (light and sound waves going into my head via a visor and headphones and for three (3) whole days afterward I had the most dreadful headache! Couldn’t focus, didn’t want to work, just tried to sleep it off, but that didn’t work. So I waited out that storm and it eventually passed yesterday and so I decided that today (Sunday) would be the day that I make contact with you both. As for Mum’s late night texts last night, my answers are as follows: 1) Yes, I am ok - mighty bored, lonely and wasting my days away here, but health wise (especially now the whole bridge issue has been all-but resolved), pretty good (mentally and physically). 2) No, I have not found anyone to run this company when I leave and it is not looking and easy thing to accomplish, sadly - it has to be placed in very safe, responsible hands and most people associated with such a description already have jobs and value their home time (and wouldn’t want to take on the responsibility of this, trust me). I honestly don’t want to give up what I have created here over the past 30 years as it is a moneymaking machine and one that needs to still be alive over here once I leave - my neighbor, who turned it down, is also thinking of leaving (he’s only renting) so that wouldn’t have worked out as well for me as I had once envisioned anyway. 3) Yes, I am still working very hard each day, watching as much football as possible (including yesterdays Soccer Aid match - wow, there are some sad-ass, so-called celebs that think they can play football and haven’t got the foggiest about how to drive past someone, hold a ball up, cross a ball or even feckin’ shoot!), and apart from that, I am still reducing the tubs/totes packed ready to go re: their contents inside. I go through them, take stuff out that I don’t even know why I packed in the first place a few months ago, take some photos and either put up for sale on FB or eBay or Amazon - lightening the load for the eventual move (although now I have to find a new shipping container company as I’m not paying $7k to have one here (when it was only $3k before the feckin’ pandemic!!). 4) I am not really cooking for myself these days - just grabbing grocery store stuff to make sandwiches or heat up in the microwave or on the stove or in the oven - I work about 14 hours a day minimum and just don’t feel like cooking when all is done (if I had a GF coming over, that might all be different, but that seems highly unlikely these days!). 5) Tom (and Troy) are both well, although Tom is slowly showing signs of forgetfulness and Troy is still working like a horse at 81 y/o - we might all be going up to Tom’s cabin Up North for a few days in a week or so (something I’ve never done before in 30 years of being here), so if that happens it will be a nice week away to destress - especially as it will be just after my Oral Surgeon visit. I have attached a photo of the option Tom gave me for having my bridge broken if I hadn’t been able to afford the Oral Surgeon visit, but luckily I managed to stop him just in time!! Aside from all that, I am muddling along, still looking into everything that needs to line up for me to restart the moving machinery, but right now the biggest is a safe country to move back to and the UK is not that currently - they even say you will be going back into Lockdown for Xmas and that there will be more empty shelves then too! This whole Pandemic b/s is seemingly never ending, but for now, I am waiting, listening and watching and will be ready to uncoil and pounce once the green light has been signaled re: everything I need to accomplish to gear up again. Until I have more information, take care of one another and much love to you both. Russell xx
