Title - 'Liberation Transmission' (Columbia)
Artist - Lostprophets
Rest assured, this album is not as great as "Start Something" and especially "Fake Sound of Progress" (their best album yet) but it's a solid release. In fact, the only song on here which harkens back to their heavier days a little bit is "Everyday Combat." Everything else, well it might turn off those who really cannot stand emo-core. I don't like it too much myself, but Lost Prophets play it out to where it's entertaining. Still, they should have put a couple more heavier songs on this album, "Start Something" was softer than "Fake Sound of Progress" but at least it had a couple hard-hitting tracks. This one, like I said, really only has one, "Everyday Combat." By now I'm sure you've all heard "Rooftops (A Liberation Broadcast)" and that song will give you some clue as to how the rest of the album sounds. Overall, not a bad album, but it could have been better...