Title - 'Under the Influence of Giants' (Island)
Artist - Under the Influence of Giants
Under The Influence Of Giants, or UTIOG, for short, are a band from Los Angeles, California that perfectly meld seventies disco to eighties dance with current sensibilities. This is no small feat considering that these guys were born after the 1970s. I thought of The Bee Gees, Elton John, Madonna and other artists from the 70's and 80's as I repeatedly listen to their debut gem. All eleven tracks are worthwhile, but the album as a whole just misses being great. Huge Pop/Disco/upbeat tempos bring smiles on your face. It'll seriously make you want to dance wherever you are. The lyrics are easy to master and humerous at times. I definitely feel that "In The Clouds" and the first single "Mama's Room" are bona fide hits, but I also found "Meaningless Love" and "Stay Illogical" to be interesting exercises in pop bliss. I've read that UTIOG are often compared to the Scissor Sisters, and I'd have to agree, though both bands come from opposite sides of the United States. I was just glad to hear this type of music again because it's been years since pop music sounded this infectious. The video for "Mama's Room" is interesting as well. The rest of the tracks on UTIOG's debut solidify this band as one to watch. So, if you're a fan of Panic! at the Disco, Men Women and Children, Electric Six, and or anything you want to dance to, then this album is for you!