Title - 'Spiderwick Chronicles' (Lakeshore Records)
Artist - James Horner
'The Spiderwick Chronicles' is a fantasy movie about three kids who enter the fantastical world because of a magic book. Based on the best selling books by Tony DiTerlizzi and Holly Black, the soundtrack is all the work of the wonderful James Horner.
Interestingly, many would say that this new soundtrack marks Horner's welcome return to the mainstream, his composition here one that accompanies a film that is (unfortunately) only expected to do moderately well at the box office.
Having been made first available on iTunes I really wanted to love this new soundtrack ... but - in truth - found little appeal to the music and its context therein. I had expected some fantasy-driven material given the tales source, but none was really encountered. Even at around the ninth track the CD hadn't found it's true vocation, a highlight not having sprung forward to engross me. Sorry James, but this just doesn't chronicle the best of what your woek can be ... personally.