Title - 'Classic Christmas' (MCA / Nashville)
Artist - George Strait
Since I'm a huge and loyal George Strait fan I have to admit from the very beginning that I knew I would fall in love with this CD! I always buy all his recordings ... and yet this time found myself being handed one for free! I eagerly put it into my player and listened intently with a cup of steaming hot coffee on my MI porch!
And I was not disappointed! This new CD 'Classic Christmas' is a really nice Christmas CD to add to any ones music library - if you like country music, of course! For it still does have those twangs of country incorporated into each classic tune. That said each song still has the George Strait twist on it.
Indeed, if you like true country Christmas songs this CD is for you. There isn't any song the CD that I can single out as my favorite ('Joy To The World,' 'O Come, All Ye Faithful,' 'Jingle Bells,' 'We Wish You A Merry christmas,' etc.) because they all are outstanding - just like George! Any Strait fan will love these songs sung by their favorite artist and they should bring back memories of all of our Christmas' past ... and the excitement of those to come.
The King of Country Music does it again.