Title - 'Shine' (RCA)
Artist - Martina McBride
Martina McBride truly shines with her latest album "Shine." The minute you turn it on you're hypnotized, literally sucked in by the powerful lyrics and Martina's phenomenal vocals. There is not a bad song on here!
With a portfolio of songs dealing with social issues, "Shine" has its share. "Wild Rebel Rose," with a slight touch of rustic banjo-led bluegrass, deals with child abuse. McBride has a way of taking taboo topics and dress them with an engaging storyline that makes you listen all the way through not only with our ears but our hearts as well.
Perhaps one of the moving moments come when McBride croons with tear-stained delivery the folky "I'm Trying" - this time dealing with the destructiveness of alcoholism. Lead single "Ride," a busy jaunty piece is chock full of New Age wanderings, whereas "Sunnyside Up" is yet another pop-country barn burner - that, in truth tries too hard to be a radio darling without the substance.
This is truly feel good music, but with an edge. Martina's vocals on this entire CD are just incredible. You'll want to listen over and over again. Makes a great gift for anyone, because we could all stand a positive boost right about now.