Title - 'Now You See Me 2' [Original Motion Picture Score]
Artist - Brian Tyler
After the debut earned $360 million at the global box office, it's no surprise to see this compelling sequel to the Jesse Eisenberg thriller. Composer Brian Tyler once again helms the music here on Now You See Me 2, where he brings us 24 tracks that (in all the right ways) tell the story so tightly that they truly come together as one come the 'Finale' cut.
Tyler has become a master of big box office soundtracks, with recent work including the franchises The Avengers, Thor, Iron Man and Fast & Furious, but here on 'Now You See Me 2' he seemingly has a lot more flexible fun with the soundtrack. I mean, well, in truth, it's just a really fun score!
Indeed, this is a score that definitely needs to be cranked up on your home system, of that have no doubt. You can move to it, you can groove to it, your feet will move whether you're sitting down or not! A score chock full of all-things musically entertaining, Tyler's unique score for 'Now You See Me 2' is just perfect!
1. Now You See Me 2 Fanfare (3:20)
2. Now You See Me 2 Main Titles (3:00)
3. 300 Seconds (7:25)
4. The Setup (5:45)
5. Sleight of Hand (5:52)
6. Revelatory (1:24)
7. A Special Invitation (4:38)
8. Equivoque (3:18)
9. Off The Grid (Walter's Theme) (2:13)
10. Trifecta (3:53)
11. The Fool (1:55)
12. Buffy the Chippie (2:58)
13. Behind the Curtain (4:10)
14. Thaddeus' Game (2:23)
15. Octa (1:37)
16. United (1:36)
17. Deliverance (4:10)
18. Diversion Tactics (4:34)
19. Sibling Rivalry (1:55)
20. Bazaar Getaway (2:09)
21. The New Horseman (1:05)
22. See You in 3 to 5 (1:41)
23. The Big Finish (3:56)
24. Finale (2:40)