Title - 'Daredevil' (Wind-Up)
Artist - Various
If you're thinking about buying this CD, chances are you've heard at least one or two of the songs on it and you're wondering if the rest are any good. Am I right? Well, if that's you: pick this up. It's all more or less modern rock, and there are 20 freakin' songs on this puppy (regular CD price too)! You'll find several more you really like and it will be well worth your cash. My fav's included the cuts by Drowning Pool w/ Rob Zombie ('The Man Without Fear'), The Calling ('For You'), Fuel ('Won't Back Down'), both Evanescence's songs ('Bring Me To Life' - which is showcased in the film's trailer - & 'My Immortal'), Saliva ('Bleed For Me'), Hoobastank ('Right Before Your Eyes'), and even Moby with 'Evening Rain'. You'll find something to dig, and overall, the album is well-balanced. Warning for you score fans out there: there's only one song from the actual 'Daredevil' score, and it's a remix version, but you can also by the Soundtrack Score on Varese Sarabande Records !
Nick Gurney
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