Title - ‘Down With Love’- OST (Warner Bros.)
Artist - Various
What's new is new and what's old is renewed. I'm in the mood for fun, informal, and light-hearted music with real instruments layered in thoughtful arrangements. This soundtrack is yummy, it's like we remodeled the fifties/sixties sounds and hit the jackpot. Astrud Gilberto and Frank Sinatra sing ’Fly Me To The Moon’ in her somba and his big band best. Michael Bublé and Holly Palmer make heat out of the title song and I so hope that gets released as a single - what a great charismatic song to hear on the radio. Michael Bublé has other classics on the CD sung so sincerely and endearingly as only someone who loves to sing could sing them. Even Renée Zellweger and Ewan McGregor sing a duet together to cap off a cute, but not “cutesy” CD. Get this one!
Sally Hudson