Title - ‘Matrix: Reloaded’ – OST (Warner Bros.)
Artist - Various
Okay, so who didn't love 'The Matrix Soundtrack'?! That was some seriously cool music. This comes off with the same kind of vibe, as it has some returning artists. But the returning artists don't really live up to their previous contributions. Rage's 'Calm like a bomb' is pretty typical of their work, and it was cool that they still contributed after their 'internal difficulties', but 'Calm' lacks the solid hook that 'Wake Up' boasted. Rob Zombie's 'Reload' feels like it was written for the movie, which it probably was! Rob Dougan (Rob D) gives us the instrumental 'Furious Angels’ and I was actually surprised that Linkin Park was on the list. They seem a little too hip-pop for the regular line-up, but they do a nice switchback on the album opener 'Session'. I've only heard one Unloco song and never heard of Team Sleep, but their contributions are impressive. I loved the second disc. Don Davis does a killer score on this and Juno Reactor's extra contribution is awesome. 'Chateau' by Rob Dougan isn't quite as catchy as 'Clubbed to Death', but it still rocks.
Karl Berner