Title - ‘Skeletons’ (TVT)
Artist - Nothingface
Well, Nothingface is back with a new album and it's different ... sorta! Out of the 13 songs, 7 of them are your typical violent, heavy, Nothingface. The other 6 are heavy but contain no screaming or whatnot. Just straight up clean vocals, which is good because Matt has a great voice! Basically, if you liked the song ’Bleeder’ from their Violence CD, you will like those 6 said songs because they are in the same vein, just no screaming! As you would come to expect from Nothingface, all the songs contain awesome riffs. They are not technical death metal riffs, but they are good for what they are. The drumming is good as Sickles is a good drummer, but the bass is just standard bass! My favorite tracks are ’Murder is Masterbation,’ ‘Ether,’ ‘Here Come the Butchers’ and ’Big Fun At The Gallows.’ Nothingface is here to stay and buying this release will ensure that!
Nick Gurney