Title - ‘Anthology’ (Chrysalis/EMI)
Artist - Generation X
I had been looking for the ‘Sweet Revenge’ bootleg for a long time, and it has been worth the wait. Disc 1 is mostly songs from the first 2 LPs. Disc 2 is the real value here. It is real interesting to hear the early versions of the songs that later appeared on Kiss Me Deadly. And an even bigger treat to hear Derwood Andrews playing the songs instead of James Stevenson or Steve New or Steve Jones. I never realized Andrews came up with the riffs for ’Dancing with Myself,’ ‘Triumph’ and others. Of the unreleased songs, I really like ’Girls,’ ‘Modern Boys’ and ’Cathy Comes Home.’ The interview with Tony James is also good in that he talks about the drug abuse that marred the Kiss Me Deadly sessions. I haven't gotten to Disc 3 yet, a concert from Osaka, Japan. I always thought Derwood Andrews was one of the underrated guitarists of the punk generation. One minor disappointment is that the liner notes and artwork are kind of lame and perhaps EMI could have done a better job. BUT, this Generation XAnthology is a must have for any GenX fan regardless!
Reviewed by James Dudley