Title - ‘Giving Up The Ghost’ (Magnatude)
Artist - Robert Walter’s 20th Congress
If you are looking for an introduction to Robert Randolph and the Family Band, do not buy this album. Go buy Live At the Wetlands. "Live … is everything that makes RRFB great; energetic, evangelic, and electric all combined in a volcanic delivery that will re-write your concepts of music. Unclassified is the bland studio brother to the robust Live … album. I am curious to know if the producers ever heard RRFB live before they hammered them into their generic Warner Brothers album concept? From listening to this album, I don't think they had heard RRFB live. The vocals on this album are only slightly short of hideous; nearly all are electronically altered in some way. Having traveled many miles to hear RRFB here in Texas and to the Bonnaroo Festival, I've listened to them enough to say that the vocals here are artificial as is the song format. This is not RRFB at their finest.
Reviewed by S. Hickson