Title - ‘Metamorphosis’ (Hollywood Records)
Artist - Hilary Duff
OK, let’s get this out of the way … I can't stand Hilary Duff! But, my personal hatred for her aside, this CD is still not very good! Hilary's voice needs a LOT of work. She has one of those voices where if she was singing with friends or in public, nobody would cover their ears, and she wouldn't be embarrassed to sing. However, for her to make an album is ridiculous. If she wasn't already "Lizzie McGuire", nobody in their right mind would give her a record deal. Maybe with a lot of voice training and when she gets a bit older, she might make a half decent singer, but by then probably nobody will even care about her! And so, to sum up, the only good things I have to say are the lyrics are clean and decent (which is saying a lot for most pop singers), and there are a few good songs is pushed: "Come Clean", "Metamorphosis", and the bonus track (?!) "Why Not".
Reviewed by Katie Mitchell