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6 Degrees Entertainment

(James Kyson Lee, Tiffany, et al / DVD / NR / (2009) 2010 / BRINK DVD)

Overview: Six friends in a secluded cabin begin to turn on one another after a winter storm leaves them snowbound, and the hungry ghosts of the Donner Party show up looking for a warm place to feed.

DVD: OK, going into this I knew that 'Necrosis' wasn't going to be any kind of Oscar-nominated spectacle. But, I have to say that a third of the way in and it had already become one of the best horror movies of its B-level genre in a long, long time! Sure there is nothing new on offer here visually, but the storyline is inspired, thus making up for that!

Having been already entertained by the acting, quite decent special effects, along came the plot - ghosts of the original Donner Party out for blood! And yes, that storyline is as original as it sounds, trust me! As for the overall acting, well, sure (being that it is still a B-movie at heart, nobody convinces me too much that there is no hope and all is lost, but the one actor that kept me interested was, as hoped, '80s pop star Tiffany!

The mall girl that everybody had a crush on back in the mi-'80s, undertakes a semi-staring role here - and grabs the opportunity with both hands! Indeed, she is great to watch, very convincing (give the depth of her role) and is great eye candy too! Yes, I said it!

That said, star Jason Kysen Lee is pretty good too (if he looks familiar, he's Ando from 'Heroes') as he shows us that he doesn't just play sidekicks - and that he can be a very convincing, semi-brutal person too. George Stults (7th Heaven), Micheal Berryman (The Hills Have Eyes), Penny Drake, and the very pretty Danielle De Luca also add to the feast - er, mix, sorry! This is a Widescreen Presentation (1.3=85:1) enhanced for 16x9 TVs.
