In 'Nancy Drew: The Creature Of Kapu Cave,' Nancy travels to Hawaii as a research assistant for Dr. Quigley Kim to determine why the population of native caterpillars has exploded.
The Hardy Boys, on a separate covert operation, are also visiting -- and both stumble across the mystery of the Hilihili research compound and its evil vibes. Some believe it's linked to the legend of Kane Okala. Local legend has it that a long time ago, a man was sacrificed to the hungry volcano to appease it.
Kane Okala, or "the rough-skinned man," later escaped from the volcano, but he was scarred for life with a rough-skinned and frightening appearance. When Nancy arrives at Camp Quigley, she sees a monster ravaging the camp, and soon discovers that Dr. Quigley is missing! Could the monster she saw be Kane Okala?
She'll have to team up with the Hardy Boys to find out!
If you would like to win one of these wonderful new Video Games, and you think you know all there is to know about fictional Detective, just answer this easy question: In the early books, Nancy lives with her lawyer father, Carson Drew (Nancy's mother died when Nancy was ten years old.) As the only woman in the family, Nancy is in charge of the household, including giving orders to the housekeeper, named ......... ?!
Send me your answers and if you're correct you'll be in the running to win one of these great new Video Games! Just send us an e:mail here before December 15th with your answer and the subject title 'CONTEST: NANCY DREW VIDEO GAME' to:
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Creature of Kapu Cave Minigame