The weekly adventures of high-priced private investigator Frank Cannon, an overweight, balding ex-cop with a deep voice and expensive culinary tastes, come home when 'CANNON: SEASON ONE, VOLUME ONE' barrels its way onto DVD July 8 from CBS Home Entertainment and Paramount Home Entertainment.
Nominated for two Emmy® Awards and two Golden Globes® for his performance over the series’ five-season run, William Conrad (“Jake and the Fatman”) stars as the titular Frank Cannon, a larger-than-life crime-fighting personality with a taste for truth, justice and a five-star meal. Since Cannon's girth didn't allow for many intense fist fights and violent gun battles, the series substituted adrenaline-fueled, high-speed car chases in their place.
The Cannon character also frequently crossed over to appear on “Barnaby Jones,” another Quinn Martin Production, the producer of a string of hit television series including “Cannon” “The Fugitive,” “The Invaders,” “The Streets of San Francisco” and “Barnaby Jones.”
Featuring 12 exciting episodes including episodic promos on four DVDs, 'CANNON: SEASON ONE, VOLUME ONE' will be available for the $39.99 SRP.
So, if you would like to win one of these new DVDs then just answer this easy question: Conrad appeared as Frank Cannon, his character on Cannon, in two episodes of Barnaby Jones. One was the pilot, but what was the episode title of the other one?!
Send us your answers and if you're correct you'll be in the running to win one of these new DVDs! Just send us an e:mail here before August 1st with your answer and the subject title CONTEST: CANNON DVDs to:
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