Title - 'Resurrection' (Ferret Records)
Artist - Chimaira
Some would say that the hardcore scene has been dying a slow death for the last couple of years or more. Others that metal has actually been progressing and in some ways even gently regressing back to the days of when hardcore music was vinrant, new, needed. Whatever your opinion, the genre has admittedly seen better days and although there are a whole host of newer bands now buried within the scene - Trivium, Mower, Shadows Fall - the throwbacks to old school thrash and not true hardcore are to be found everwhere you turn. Up to the plate step CHIMAIRA, a band that has never pulled any punches and now are back to make their mark in the metal scene with their latest attempt 'Resurrection.' Lukcily for the music genre, CHIMAIRA have evolved from album to album - not only in their playing abilities, but their technical ones also. No longer simply an angst-ridden thrash band, CHIMAIRA keeps on the technical side with their new album, with some well-honed chords within their songs, crisper writing, and some much cleaner guitar lines. Flowing like an album of such an ilk should only do, 'Resurrection' thankfully doesn’t stray to far enough away from their creative comfort zone to sound even in the slightest bit forced. Even with their close-to 10-minute long track 'Six,' the band finds ways to creatively structure their songwriting to keep the listener, well, ... listening! There's even an instrumental part in the middle of the song that can keep up with some of the classics in the industry! In wrap, 'Resurrection' stands out in their discography for song writing ability and is clear proof that the band has evolved for the better over the years.