Title - 'Siren' (Manhattan Records)
Artist - Sasha & Shawna
This two voices are very enjoyable ... and they're not that bad to look at either! Starting out with "Fade Out," the violins instantly warm you with their enchanting touch. However, my personal favorite "Fields of Gold" as it transports me to other time and place. Sasha Lazard is amazing. I mean, I love the two voices, but Sasha's is the one for me. Indeed though, when one is singing the other is harmonizing so they back each other perfectly here on this exceptional album.
As for the song "Per Te / For You," well, after hearing it I'm always left speeechless! "Una Furtiva Lagrima" is also very nice, but they really gett show off their incredible operatic voices on "I Know It's Real." I even think it might just be my very own wedding song! In contrast, the song "Stabat Mater IXXI" doesn't fit here for me. It comes across as slightyly the wrong 'concept track.' I feel this belonged to Sasha's first solo CD "Myth of Red." That was a conceptual album based around the myth of a beautful Godess. So, you have to buy "Myth of Red" (and also "Moonfall") if you lke "Siren" ... which you WILL! To sum up, this CD is worth every penny you put into it.