Title - 'Drums On Low'
Artist - Dave Schoepke
For those not in the know, after spending many years as a touring and professional musician, longtime Milwaukee-area drummer Dave Schoepke realized one of his many career goals — to record an entire album of percussion music.
Ergo, and recorded in his Hartland home studio, his first solo album Drums On Low will be released July 15th, 2019.
The album contains a mix of Schoepke’s previous compositions and improvisational work and to help select material for the album, the drummer turned to his No Quarter bandmates, Michael Brandenburg and Matt Miller.
1. 'War Of The Grasshoppers'
2. 'Which One ARE You'
3. 'N'ging'
4. 'Window'
5. 'The Throw'
6. 'Sound On Low'
7. 'Eleven Three'
8. 'The Thing From The Darkness'
9. 'Pool-Pond'
10. 'Tangles'
11. 'Four Twenty Six'
Listening to the 11 tracks it's obvious Schoepke wanted to think of drums as a compositional tool, like a guitar or piano. As for an actuality, it's been said that to help the album achieve a melodic, harmonic sound, Schoepke experimented with tuning his Ludwig drums in a number of ways.
Playing out, one after another like eclectic, yet aspiring works of performance art, all the tracks on Drums On Low are a culminative journey for a drummer that fully deserves the new, front of stage spotlight.
'Which One ARE You' - Music Video