Title - ‘Thankful’ (RCA)
Artist - Kelly Clarkson
I have been wanting and waiting for a long time for this CD to come out! In fact, ever since the middle part of American Idol to be very honest!! And now that it is in my possession, well, it was well worth the wait! I absolutely LOVE all of the songs on this great debut, especially ’The Trouble With Love Is,’ ‘Beautiful Disaster,’ ‘Anytime,’ ‘What's Up Lonely,’, the American Idol songs ’A Moment Like This’ and ’Before Your Love’, and finally, the first dynamic single, the Christina Aguilera-fueled ’Miss Independent.’ The duet with Tamyra Gray, ’You Thought Wrong’ almost made me deaf with its loud intensity during the chorus it was just that powerful! Kelly has done a remarkable job on her debut CD, Thankful and we should all be just that that she’s held up her end of the American Idol promise and already turned into a superstar of the future!!
Sally Hudson