Title - 'Walls Of Jericho' (Danal Music LLC)
Artist - Mark Newman
Mark Newman is both a really good musician and an incredible front man - solo or with a band. And on his latest effort, the wonderful 'Walls of Jericho,' he continues to forge his own solo career and his first release since the highly impressive, 'Must Be A Pony.'
Here on 'WOJ,' his abilities as a singer, songwriter and interpreter of other people's material, includes a stunning cover of his former band leader's, Willy DeVille, 'Mixed Up, Shook Up Girl.' And lest we fortget his duet with Naomi Margolin on the delicious, albeit haunting 'White Bird'!
And yes, he still likes to get a particular message across, such as on 'Fire On The Water,' as he says what his thoughts are about oil spills caused by the recklessness of oil companies.
Trust me, Mark Newman grabs your attention with this album, after just a song or two, and you quickly discover thereafter you're very glad to be along for the musical ride.