Title - ‘Bad Girls: Deluxe Edition’ (Universal Chronicle)
Artist - Donna Summer
Far and away Summer's sweetest season, Bad Girls stands as a pop and disco classic 24 years after its release. And this expanded, remastered deluxe edition brings a new dimension to the reach and range of this stunning musical document. The original album (disc one) still stands strong. From the title track, to the rock-disco funk of "Hot Stuff," to the delightful romp of "Dim All the Lights," to the country touches of "On My Honor," the cuts on this record presented Donna's voice in a wide range of contexts, hinting at the changes that would come in her music the following year. Great. Disc two is where the party really starts. Running nearly 80 minutes, the 12-inch mixes pulsate, sway and groove in a way the album cuts cannot. The "Last Dance" mix is fabulous, while "Walk Away" is more fun in its longer incarnation. "MacArthur Park Suite" is a true dance classic, racing along at a frenetic 17 minutes and showcasing one of Donna's towering vocal victories. "Bad Girls" could have been left off since it is pretty much the same as the original album version, but "Dim All The Lights" and "No More Tears" really rock.
Reviewed by CC Harris