The sixth installment in the “Maneater Series” from Genius Products, 'Grizzly Rage' claws its way onto DVD May 6, 2008.
When a group of high school grads accidentally hit a bear cub with their car, they soon come face-to-face with their worst nightmare: a massive mother Grizzly hell-bent on revenge. With no cell phones, no weapons, no light and only tension mounting, all the students have are their wits, a prayer, and each other.
Directed by horror-master David DeCoteau and including fierce shocks and slashing surprises, 'Grizzly Rage' is a lean and uncompromising fear-match between man and nature, available for the first time on DVD!
So, if you would like to win one of these new DVDs, just answer this easy question: Directed by horror-master David DeCoteau, please name one other horror movie-themed film that he directed?!
Send us your answers and if you're correct you'll be in the running to win one of these new DVDs! Just send us an e:mail here before June 1st with your answer and the subject title CONTEST: GRIZZLY RAGE DVDs to:
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