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Win 'VANAJA' on DVD ... TODAY!

Named by Roger Ebert as "one of the five best foreign language films of 2007" and winner of last year's illustrious Jury Prize for Best First Feature at the Berlin Film Festival, 'VANAJA' is the latest DVD title to come out from Emerging Pictures Home Entertainment.

The acclaimed film went on to become an Official Selection at 104 international film festivals in 49 countries (including the United States) as well as the recipient of more than twenty-four international film awards.

Recently nominated for two Independent Spirit Awards (Best First Film and Best Cinematography), 'Vanaja' marks the feature debut of Indian filmmaker Rajnesh Domalpalli. A Columbia Film graduate, Domalpalli directed the film as his master's thesis two years ago and shot his film on location in his hometown in India. Little did he expect that his film would go on and reap major critical accolades in America and around the world.

Set in rural South India—a place where social barriers are built stronger than fort walls—"Vanaja" explores the chasm that divides classes as a young girl struggles to come of age. The movie tells the story of Vanaja, a poor fisherman's 14-year-old daughter, who goes to work in the house of the local Landlady in hopes of learning the Kuchipudi dance. But matters turn ugly when the Landlady's son returns, pitching her into a battle of caste, class and animus from which there is truly only one escape.

Separate Featurettes from director Rajnesh Domalpalli and actress Mamatha Bhukya (Domalpalli introduces the film; Bhukya talks about her experiences during the shoot)
A featurette of the unabridged dances from the film (Vasantha Tillana, Sarasuda, Sa-Virane, Attana Jatiswaram, Igiri Nandini)
Original Theatrical Trailer
Never-before-seen shorts directed by Rajnesh Domalpalli (The Fisherman's Daughter, 13 minutes; Firecrackers, 10 minutes; Poison in the Well, 11 minutes; and Just For Him, 14 minutes
English Subtitles

So, if you would like to win one of these wonderful new DVDs, just answer this easy question: 'Vanaja' is directed by Indian filmmaker Rajnesh Domalpalli, a resident of both India which American city?!

Send us your answers and if you're correct you'll be in the running to win one of these new DVDs! Just send us an e:mail here before June 1st with your answer and the subject title CONTEST: VANAJA DVDs to:

DVD Purchase Link
